Missions at Hereford Faith & Life Church

Human Relations Sunday
We are called to make an impact in communities where our brothers and sisters in Christ lack the resources or tools to reach their God-given potentials. Our gifts are part of building beloved community through faith-based volunteer programs, community developers and programs that work with at-risk teens. For more than half a century, United Methodists have observed this churchwide special Sunday in recognition of the message Jesus demonstrated during his life: each of God’s children are equally important.

Native American Ministries
This Sunday recognizes and supports the contributions of Native Americans to the church and society. Part of the funds collected allow us to collaborate with existing native ministries, create programs and support seminary scholarships for United Methodist Native Americans. 50% of the offering remains in your annual conference to develop local ministries. The conference committee on Native American ministry administers these funds.

World communion Sunday
We are called to reach out to all people and model the diversity of all God’s children. Your gifts support racial and ethnic students in achieving their educational goals while also transforming communities. 50% of the offering provides scholarships for graduate students from the US and other countries. 35% supports ethnic scholarships for undergraduate students. 15% funds In-Service Training Programs for racial and ethnic persons.

UMCOR Sunday
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to respond with extravagant grace. Through the United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR), we are able to make a difference in the lives of communities and individuals whose lives have been upset by storms, wars, fires, displacement and climate change. This offering underwrites UMCORs “costs of doing business,” allowing UMCOR to keep the promise that 100% of any gift to a specific UMCOR project will go to that project, not administrative costs.

Peace with justice Sunday
Our Social Principles call us to love our enemies, seek justice, and serve as reconcilers of conflict. We insist that the first moral duty of all nations is to work together to resolve by peaceful means every dispute that arises between or among them. Each annual conference has a Peace with Justice Coordinator developing local social justice ministries. 50% of the offering remains in your annual conference to support this ministry.

United Methodist Student Day
United Methodists have been investing in our students for more than 100 years. United Methodist Student Day invites the church to support United Methodist students in achieving their educational goals. The funds received award United Methodist scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students. Your gifts help young people achieve their educational calling with more financial freedom.